Wednesday, October 20, 2021

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Part 2 - Access, API and apps offsite Off Facebook access It's important to take advantage of any software or apps that you can use, simply because Facebook can become time consuming if you only access it at a primary terminal. Using apps to speed up your access will mean in most cases, your time won't be devoured by social networking (until you get into games) 37. The best phone app? There is no one 'best' app for Facebook on each mobile platform, so look around and see if you can find a highly recommended one sometimes phones come with bundled apps, or built in API access - which, if you're a social animal your phone can be a lifesaver. Be aware that most apps are limited, as are most phone based browsers. 38. Tweetdeck? Tweetdeck is a twitter poster that has expanded to take in other places like Facebook, and comes highly recommended on any PC or laptop. It has a tiny memory footprint and gives you unparalleled access to a lot of feeds at once. Beware its API call on twitter though (at 150 an hour). Facebook currently has no limitations. 11/26 39. Automatic posting? Some people use automatic posting to allow them to post information at set times, though Facebook's TOS seems to be a little gray about this. Being careful and only posting relevant information will allow you to connect and network in a way it was designed to allow.

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