Wednesday, October 20, 2021

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18. Adding people via friends If you're a close knit group of friends, or a new group that met through University or similar pursuit, it's normally ok to go through another friend's list and find those that you know, but don't abuse. this - adding everyone from every friend's list can get you flagged as a spammer by Facebook. 19.More than one profile? Be careful not to create more than one Facebook page - it's against their TOS and can lead to confusion when people add you. It is possible to create a main account and make the rest of your 'accounts' as pages, but again be careful - Facebook has a policy about fake pages, fake names or abusing that facility. 20.Fan pages too much for you? You can hide fan page (and app, and even 'friend' updates) from view easily by setting your feed up (we talk more about this in the feed management section). Hiding fan pages, even temporarily, can let you get your Facebook reading back under control, and let you decide whether you want to follow them long term. 21. Removing friends, or pages Removing friends is easy - you just go into your friends list and click the x beside their name. You can find your friend list by looking at the left column of your main feed based Facebook page. Or you can go to 'Account' and then 'edit Friends' You can remove pages in a similar way, in 'Edit friends' then scrolling down to around the middle of the page and clicking on 'pages' (it has an orange flag next to it).

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